Professional Development Committee

The committee exists to promote the professional development of teachers of mathematics.

Most recently, the Committee has been finding ways in which we can implement the Membership survey results and feedback. 

If you would be interested in joining the Professional Development Committee please get in touch, email to find out more or tweet our PD Chair @pdLouiseP


The Fluid Dynamics of Chocolate Fountains

18 December 2017

Category: Branch Event

Branch:  Liverpool

LivMS Popular Lectures Programme 2017-18

Title:  The Fluid Dynamics of Chocolate Fountains

Presenter: Adam Townsend

Date:   Monday, 18 December

Time:  2 – 3 pm

Summary:  Chocolate fountains are popular features at special events. But why do they never use white chocolate? Would they work with water? And why, when the chocolate falls, does it fall slightly inwards? In this most delectable of studies, we investigate the trade-off between accuracy and simplicity in models used by commercial chocolatiers. In different geometries of the fountain, we solve the governing equations, mostly analytically, and compare these results with observations from our own fountain experiments. We find that, with some limitations, our models are in fact good for a number of non-Newtonian fluid problems. Marshmallows are, sadly, not provided.

Venue:  Chadwick Lecture Theatre, Liverpool

Branch Contact:  For more info please email Peter Giblin.

Door Charge:  n/a