Professional Development Committee

The committee exists to promote the professional development of teachers of mathematics.

Most recently, the Committee has been finding ways in which we can implement the Membership survey results and feedback. 

If you would be interested in joining the Professional Development Committee please get in touch, email to find out more or tweet our PD Chair @pdLouiseP



16 March 2019

Presenter: Don Steward

Title: Geometry

Summary:  MEDIAN is a large collection of classroom tasks that promote thinking and sense-making. Don Steward has worked for many years to collect and disseminate what he views as effective ideas for teaching. He shares these via his popular blog. In this session Don will present ideas for a wide range of geometry tasks, promoting the use of squared dotty paper (as Pierre Van Hiele recommended).

Date:   Saturday, 16th march 2019

Time:  10am - 12.30pm

Location: UCL Institute of Education, Elvin Hall, 20 Bedford Way, London WC1H 0AL

Door Charge:  The charge will be £10 cash to be collected on the door unless you have already attended an event this academic year and already paid your £10.  All sessions are free for teachers in their initial training year.

Book your place here

Branch Contact:   Mark Horley