Professional Development Committee

The committee exists to promote the professional development of teachers of mathematics.

Most recently, the Committee has been finding ways in which we can implement the Membership survey results and feedback. 

If you would be interested in joining the Professional Development Committee please get in touch, email to find out more or tweet our PD Chair @pdLouiseP


An A Level Further Maths Special with Jonny Griffiths

11 May 2019

Branch:  London

Title:   An A Level Further Maths Special with Jonny Griffiths

Summary:  This session will entail Jonny Griffiths leading us through a selection of his latest Risps. Here's his explanation: 

"Back in 2005, I began to write my Risps (short for Rich Starting Points) website, with the backing of the Gatsby Foundation. It took a year, and by the end of that time I’d posted forty pure investigative activities for A Level Maths. Since then, the site has gradually become popular, and that’s happened alongside a growing interest in using open tasks to teach mathematics at all levels. A couple of years ago, I took what seemed to me to be the obvious next step; how about a collection of risps for pure Further Maths A Level? It could be argued that Further Maths sees a larger percentage of teacher exposition than elsewhere, and yet FM students are often well-suited to self-study and tackling problems under their own steam. Over the next two years, I wrote Further Risps, and I’ve recently self-published that both as a hard copy book and as a pdf. I don’t stick to any particular syllabus, but any Further Maths teacher should find that the majority of the forty tasks here will be adaptable for their students’ situation. I hope during my workshop to encourage people to try a task from the collection, and then enter into a discussion about how such material can sensibly be integrated into an A Level course. I also hope to offer some tips on how a teacher might write open tasks of their own."

Presenter:  Jonny Griffiths

Date:   Saturday, 11 May 2019

Time:  10 to 12.30

Location: UCL Institute of Education, Elvin Hall, 20 Bedford Way, London WC1H 0AL

Door Charge:  The charge will be £10 cash to be collected on the door unless you have already attended an event this academic year and already paid your £10.  All sessions are free for teachers in their initial training year.

Book your place here.

Branch contact: Mark Horley