Professional Development Committee

The committee exists to promote the professional development of teachers of mathematics.

Most recently, the Committee has been finding ways in which we can implement the Membership survey results and feedback. 

If you would be interested in joining the Professional Development Committee please get in touch, email to find out more or tweet our PD Chair @pdLouiseP


Using patterns and structure to develop algebraic thinking
London Branch - Online Event

10 October 2020


Date and time: Saturday 10th October - 10.00am to 12.30pm BST

Learners often get the impression that algebra is complicated and only accessible to an elite few students who are gifted with a 'maths brain'. For many adults with maths anxiety, when you ask them to describe where their anxiety began they point to algebra as being the culprit. In this session we will explore ways of using patterns and structure as a way in to understanding algebra, and discuss how the idea of proof by generic example can be used to give learners the confidence to create their own algebraic proofs.

Hello, I’m Alison Kiddle. I’m a mathematician, educator and maths communicator based in the East of England.

I graduated with a degree in Mathematics from the University of Cambridge in 2002, then trained to teach maths in secondary schools. I left the classroom in 2009 to work for the University of Cambridge’s NRICH project, where I worked for 11 years creating rich and innovative classroom resources for 11-18 year olds. These days I spend my time creating maths resources and videos, running face to face and online maths workshops for students and teachers, writing about maths, and tutoring. I also tweet about maths and education.


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