Professional Development Committee

The committee exists to promote the professional development of teachers of mathematics.

Most recently, the Committee has been finding ways in which we can implement the Membership survey results and feedback. 

If you would be interested in joining the Professional Development Committee please get in touch, email to find out more or tweet our PD Chair @pdLouiseP


ATM and MA London Branch Conference

9 July 2016

ATM and MA London Branch Conference

Date:  Saturday 9th July 2016

Time:  9.30am

Venue:  King’s College London (Franklin Wilkins Building, Stamford Street, London SE1)

Free to anyone who has attended any sessions this year or students in ITE (£5 otherwise), with doughnuts and coffee included, but bring your own lunch.

Arrive in time for first session at 10am and be finished before 4pm.

Confirmed sessions:

1. Danny Brown: The Lost Session - come and do some real maths with Danny who is now firmly back into his wonderful branch of mad maths.

2. Kate Gladstone Smith: Some more of the Amazing Maths from Langdon Park. See more of the best maths materials on the planet, indeed any planet.

3. Peter Galagher: Puzzling geometry. How can using Archimedes Loculuc puzzle be used to enrich a lesson on geometry?

4. Woody Lewenstein: ‘Good vibrations’ ... which will cover a music and maths theme.

Also, there will be an MA and ATM publications shop and some games and puzzles from the Maths Zone, so bring a bit of cash!

As usual arrive via the Stamford Street Entrance (door A: ). If you are late or arrive during the day, ring Chris Olley on 07727 104861 so I can let you through.

Look out for updates on .

Contact:  Chris Olley, Director PGCE Mathematics, King's College, London.  T: 020 8318 6380

Please let Chris know if you are coming, just to help with the doughnut order. However, if you forget, turn up anyway and best of all bring the whole department!