Professional Development Committee

The committee exists to promote the professional development of teachers of mathematics.

Most recently, the Committee has been finding ways in which we can implement the Membership survey results and feedback. 

If you would be interested in joining the Professional Development Committee please get in touch, email to find out more or tweet our PD Chair @pdLouiseP


Inspiring Primary Mathematics
High Wycombe

12 November 2016

The Mathematical Association in cooperation with Bucks, Berks and Oxon Maths Hub is delighted to invite you to apply for possibly the best Primary Professional Development Day for the fifth year running!

Book Online here.

Primary Mathematics PD Day

‘Inspiring Primary Mathematics’

Saturday 12 November 2016 10.00am to 4.00pm

Wycombe High School, Marlow Road, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire HP11 1TB

Opening Plenary

Ems Lord (Nrich Director)

‘Nurturing Primary Mathematicians with Nrich


Workshops throughout the day given by people that include the following:

Jo Lees

CPA and questioning for greater depth.

Brenda Robertson

Maths in the Early Years Foundation Stage –  the curiosity, the problem-solving, the fun – and the rigour – start here!

Jacqui Clifft - withdrawn

Thinking about a common assessment model after levels - withdrawn

Ray Huntley

Creative reasoning activities.

Julia Brown

Using the Primary Maths Challenge materials in the classroom.

Rebecca Turvill

Using estimation to build number sense.

Rachael Horsman

Geometrical Gems: problems and resources to introduce and develop geometrical thinking.


Workshops will be repeated throughout the day with four at each session.


1000-1030 - Registration and refreshments

1030-1130 - Opening Plenary

1130-1140 - Break

1140-1240 - Workshop 1

1240-1330 - Lunch and MA publications

1330-1430 - Workshop 2

1430-1440 - Break

1440-1540 - Workshop 3

1540-1600 - Refreshments and evaluations


The event is being held on a Saturday to avoid problems with cover.   It is priced so that schools can afford to send two members of staff (about half the price of a typical LA course) - staff who enjoy the day’s training together, and are more likely to discuss and implement what they have experienced on their return to school.

The cost of the day is £70 for members of The Mathematical Association, £95 to non-members who will receive a £25 voucher redeemable against membership. All members of a school with Institutional Membership are entitled to come at the members’ price. These prices are for booking direct with The Mathematical Association – contact . Publications from The Mathematical Association will be on sale on the day.

We provide a lovely lunch and refreshments and do everything possible to make it a great day out for those who attend.

The feedback on last year’s sessions was excellent.  Please do consider sending at least one member of staff, as it is rare to have so many experts in the field of primary mathematics together for the day.  It really is an opportunity not to be missed!  Event details and application form can be downloaded from our One-day Events page at

Once we have received your reservation we will be in touch nearer the time with more detailed directions and the finalised schedule for the day.

Book Online here.

Download Booking Form here.

Download flyer with programme here.

No refunds are given once a place has been booked but other names can be substituted if the person registering cannot attend.

We reserve the right to change the programme if the need arises.