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Showing Results 161 to 170 of 202

Black Mathematician Month UK

Black Mathematician Month UK
13 October 2017

The annual event, first celebrated in the US in 1976, aims to highlight the ongoing struggle for equality and to educate people on the achievements of members of the African diaspora.

The minister Nick Gibb responds to MA/ATM letter to Justine Greening re Underground Maths project

The minister Nick Gibb responds to MA/ATM letter to Justine Greening re Underground Maths project
28 September 2017

On 22 August 2017 a joint ATM/MA letter was sent to Justine Greening, Secretary of State for Education, regarding the Underground Maths project.

Ems Lord elected 2019-20 President

Ems Lord elected 2019-20 President
28 September 2017

The Mathematical Association is delighted to announce that Ems Lord, Director of NRICH, is to be the 2019-20 President. Ems has taught across the key stages from early years to A Level Further Maths.

The Minister Nick Gibb has replied to the MA's letter to him re Post 16 Mathematics Review.

The Minister Nick Gibb has replied to the MA's letter to him re Post 16 Mathematics Review.
8 September 2017

Nick Gibb, Minister of State for School Standards, replys to the MA's letter to him re the Post 16 Mathematics Review's findings.

DfE funding ends for Underground Maths Project

DfE funding ends for Underground Maths Project
25 August 2017

Why has continuation funding not been found for the Underground Mathematics Project? This outstanding project is not complete and to cease funding now is an extraordinary decision.

New Honorary Members in 2017

New Honorary Members in 2017
27 July 2017

The MA is please to announce that John Conway and Hugh Burkhardt are its latest Honorary Members.

A letter has been sent from the MA to the RH Nick Gibb MP

A letter has been sent from the MA to the RH Nick Gibb MP
25 July 2017

The Mathematical Association wholeheartedly welcomes Professor Smith's review of post-16 mathematics and the recommendations therein.

Government says post-16 GCSE resit policy will continue this year despite recommendation to rethink.

Government says post-16 GCSE resit policy will continue this year despite recommendation to rethink.
21 July 2017

Smith report: Maths to 18 is 'unrealistic' owing to teacher shortages

The Aliens have landed and 174 other problems

The Aliens have landed and 174 other problems
17 July 2017

The Aliens have landed..... its true, we have the proof.

Maths 'disaster' as schools report 'alarming' decline in post-16 take-up

Maths 'disaster' as schools report 'alarming' decline in post-16 take-up
14 July 2017

'Despair, bitterness and anger' over multiple reforms to subject, according to new survey of maths teachers. Maths teachers warned that it was going to happen – and now they have been proved right.