AMiE Trustees Confirmed 1 August 2023

AMiE Trustees Confirmed

Joining Together Update for Members: Trustees Confirmed


Following the face-to-face Meeting of the Mathematics Subject Associations on 17 May, the Joining Together Subcommittee of John Barton (NANAMIC), Karen Gladwin (AMET), Ems Lord (MA), Helen Madeley (ATM) and Paul Treversh (NAMA) met on Wednesday 24 May via Zoom. They set up a process for advertising for Independent Initial Trustees through our various mailing lists with a closing date of 19 June.

Twenty people expressed an interest in becoming initial trustees of the Association for Mathematics in Education. The Joining Together Subcommittee met on Wednesday 28 June and, after carefully considering all the applications, they unanimously agreed to recommend the following seven individuals who had all submitted strong applications:

Fiona Allan, Jenni Back, Claire Baldwin, Jennie Golding, Ruth James, Sue Madgwick and Jenny Hill-Parker.

The relevant committees of all five associations have since agreed to these names, so they will become trustees alongside the seven trustees appointed by the five associations: John Barton (NANAMIC), Karen Gladwin (AMET), Ems Lord (MA), Helen Madeley (ATM), David Miles (MA), Richard Spillett (ATM) and Paul Treversh (NAMA).

These 14 trustees are scheduled to meet face-to-face on Friday 8 September. A further update will be produced in late September.