Joining Together Progress Report 2 October 2023

Joining Together Progress Report

Joining Together Update for Members

Following on from the votes which took place at the AGMs of the five associations to set up a new charity, the initial trustees of the proposed charity met at the Royal Society in London on Friday 8 September.

This was a very productive meeting when the attendees went through the application to the Charity Commission to setup the Association for Mathematics in Education (AMiE) as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO).

This application has now been sent to our solicitors along with the draft constitution and will be checked by them before they submit it to the Charity Commission on our behalf. Members will be informed as soon as the Charity Commission agrees to the setting up of the new CIO.

Over the next few months, the trustees will address many of the challenges regarding the procedures and working arrangements for the new CIO so that they can be shared with all the members of the five associations prior to the votes to dissolve into the new charity take place at the AGMs in April 2024.

The 14 initial trustees are: Fiona Allan, Jennifer Back, Claire Baldwin, John Barton (NANAMIC), Karen Gladwin (AMET), Jenefer Golding, Jennifer Hill-Parker, Ruth James, Emma-Louise Lord (MA), Helen Madeley (ATM), Susan Madgwick, David Miles (MA), Richard Spillett (ATM), and Paul Treversh (NAMA).

A further update will be produced in late November.