Orders are now open for the Primary Mathematics Challenge 2024 7 June 2024

Orders are now open for the Primary Mathematics Challenge 2024

This year we celebrate 25 years of the Primary Mathematics Challenge!


The Primary Mathematics Challenge (PMC) will be taking place between 11-22nd November 2024, with this year being a very special 25th anniversary themed paper. Aimed at children aged 9-11, the PMC provides thought-provoking problems. Problem solving is the heart of mathematical reasoning, with the challenge allowing pupils to practise skills that they learn in class. Schools can take part anytime within the two weeks, with the challenge taking 45minutes to complete.


Schools can register now to book onto the challenge at our early bird discount rate.


What do pupils and teachers think of the PMC?


A child holding a certificateDescription automatically generatedWe would like to introduce you to Brume. Brume is a pupil at Cardinal Newman Catholic Primary School, Surrey. He is 9 years old and is in Year 4. A love of maths has helped Brume tackle the November 2023 Primary Mathematics Challenge and he scored a fantastic 22 out of 25 marks, earning him a silver award. Brume and his teacher Emma have answered some questions for us below;


What is your favourite lesson at school and why?

Maths and science because I really like facts.


What is your favourite thing to do?

Reading is my favourite thing because it helps me calm down. 


What do you think your life will be like in the future? What job would you like to be doing?

I think I will have a good life in the future, and I want to be a scientist or mathematician. 


What makes you happy?

Lego because I find it really fun, and it makes me really happy.


What would you make your class do if you could be a teacher for a day? 

I’d make them do lots of sums and maths.


What's your favourite number?

6. I had fun when I was 6 and it has stayed my favourite number



Questions for Emma - Brume's Teacher:


What do you like about the Challenges, and why did you choose to take part?

The challenges are a great way to challenge our able mathematicians outside of the National curriculum and provide the opportunity to take part in a national competition. Everyone who enters receives a certificate so there is an enormous sense of achievement for each child.  The challenge questions are also really interesting and allow the children to apply their maths skills in different ways.  Pupils in Year 3 and 4 the FMC and Year 5 and 6 take the PMC.


How do you prepare to take part?

When I invite children to take part, I send home a link to the website so parents can see what the challenges involve - it is up to them if they want to do the past papers.  


To find out more about the PMC and to register your school to take part, click here.