News from MA HQ 14 February 2025

News from MA HQ

Whilst things have seemed relatively quiet, since we and ATM, AMET, NANAMIC and NAMA voted in April 2023 that we all wanted to continue to move towards the merger of our five associations into one new association, there has been lots of work continuing to go on in
the background.

We are working together on refining the structures and offering of the new association to ensure it meets the needs of the members of all associations. The intention is that we are working towards the publication of a document, later this year, which will outline the key features of the new association based on member feedback from the consultation we carried out in 2023; and outline the timelines towards the formal launch of the new association. Once this has been produced all five associations will come back to members for a final vote on whether to proceed with
the merger.

I’d like to take this opportunity to thank our members of Council for all the additional time, care and thought that has gone into the process over the last 18 months following the previous vote. They have worked tirelessly on understanding the implications for our members and continue to work to ensure that the proposed merger will only enhance the experience for all members.