Annual General Meeting


NOTICE is given that the Annual General Meeting will be held at 5.15pm on Tuesday 15th April 2025 in the Stephenson Lecture Theatre at the Holywell Park Conference Centre, Loughborough LE11 3AQ.

This meeting will take place during the annual conference of the joint mathematical subject associations 'Future Proofing The Curriculum'. If you are not attending the conference, but wish to join us in-person for the AGM, please register your name and membership number with us here.

If you cannot make the AGM in person, you can vote by proxy. Full details on how to do this can be found here.




1. Welcome by the Chair, Charlie Stripp, President, 2024 - 25.

2. The AGM will receive the report from the Acting Chair of Council, Dr Andrew Kemp.

3. The report of the Treasurer, Sudeep Gokarakonda.
       3.1 The 2024 independently examined accounts to be received by the members.

       3.2   Nomination of the Independent Examiners for 2025.

4. Election of Officers and other members of Council.

        4.1 The elections of Prof Paul Glaister as President for 2025 -26 and Prof Sarah Hart as President for 2026 –27 will be announced.

        4.2  Re-elected to Council are:

Chair of Council                                                                   Vacant
Honorary Secretary                                                             Vacant
Treasurer                                                                              Sudeep Gokarakonda
Chair of Branches                                                                Lucinda Hamill
Chair of Challenges                                                             Dr Amanda Moon
Chair of Conferences                                                           Vacant
Chair of Membership                                                           Jemma Sherwood
Chair of Professional Development                                    Louise Pennington
Chair of Publications                                                            Jill Trinder
Chair of Teaching Committee                                              Manina Tyler-Mort
Editor in Chief                                                                       Vacant

The following nominations have been received for the vacant roles:

Office of Chair of Council
Dr Andrew Kemp, nominated by Dr Paul Harris and Sudeep Gokarakonda

Office of Honorary Secretary
David Miles, nominated by Dr Paul Harris and Dr Andrew Kemp

Office of Chair of Conference – no nominations were received

Office of Editor in Chief
Peter Bailey, nominated by Tom Roper and Ray Huntley

4.3 Members without Office

Stella Dudzic continues in her second term of 3 years, with 1 year left to serve.
Joanne Morgan continues her first term of 3 years, with 1 years left to serve.
Dr Chris Pritchard continues his first term of 3 years, with 1 years left to serve.

There are four Member without Office vacancies.  Nominations have been received for two of them by the deadline of 31 December 2024 and so are elected unopposed. Should we receive any nominations for the remaining two vacancies before the AGM they will be dealt with under this item.

The two nominations received are as follows:

William P Richardson, nominated by Prof. Adam McBride and Dr Chris Pritchard

Stephen Shackleton, nominated by Emma Wheeler and Michael Holloway


5. Resolution

We want to integrate the work of AMET, the ATM, the MA, NAMA and NANAMIC into a new, shared organisation. We believe this will offer more sustainability, value and impact than we can offer as single associations, which will benefit existing and new members and the maths education sector more widely.  

More information about our plans is available in the member information pack.

To integrate the current associations and launch our new organisation we will need to go through a merger process. The most effective way to do this is to use the existing legal entity of the MA to form the new organisation by: 

  1. Changing the name and governing documents of the MA to those of the proposed new association, AMiE, which are set out in the member information pack. 
  2. AMET, the ATM, NAMA and NANAMIC to be able to merge into this new organisation. 

We are asking our members to vote on whether they agree with proceeding with this process, on the provision that at least one other association votes to merge, and the completion of appropriate due diligence checks.

6. Matters arising from the Annual General Meeting 2024

Should any member have an additional item for discussion, this should be intimated by e-mail to the Chief Executive Officer ( no later than noon GMT on Friday 4th April 2025


By order of the board

Dr Andrew Kemp
Acting Chair of Council and Trustee

Registered office address:

Charnwood Building
Holywell Park
Loughborough University Science and Enterprise Park
LE11 3AQ