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11 February 2025
A seasonal special with friends and colleagues!
4 December 2024
Collaborative support groups
19 November 2024
Some challenges and some maths too!
9 October 2024
Practitioner Perspective: Leading GCSE maths resits in FE
17 September 2024
Q&A with OCR Maths Subject Advisor Steven Walker
27 June 2024
Authors Rob Southern and Susan Whitehouse discuss their new book
14 May 2024
The weird and wonderful things that you can do to support students of all abilities.
8 February 2024
The JMC Working Group report on Mathematics education and digital technology - what are the implications for the future of maths education?
22 January 2024
CfEM: five-year national improvement programme aimed at delivering sustained improvements in maths outcomes for 16-19 year olds, up to level 2, in post 16 settings.
22 November 2023
An in depth analysis of the 2023 KS2 mathematics Test papers.
9 November 2023
This session is perfect for anyone wanting to get into manipulatives but unsure where to start!
19 October 2023
The journey into research-informed practice in mathematics education
28 June 2023
Stoke and Staffordshire
Tips for Teachers - Checking for Understanding
19 June 2023
The YBMA Presidential Address with Bill Bardelang
20 May 2023
Delving into developing core knowledge
9 May 2023
Stoke and Staffordshire
Tips for Teachers with Craig Barton
28 February 2023
Greater Manchester
Unfortunately this session has been cancelled
11 February 2023
Maths and Art with Professor Ivona Grzegorczyk
2 February 2023
The Christmas Lecture: Mathematics - the Joy and the Magic! with Andrew Jeffrey
13 December 2022
Our famous Christmas Quiz with seasonal refreshments.
7 December 2022
Dark matter and dark energy: mysteries of the Universe with by Ed Hardy
24 November 2022
Greater Manchester
Mathematics and Art with Rosa Archer
19 November 2022
In this session we'll delve into some of these relating to number from Key Stages 1 to 5
11 October 2022
Exploration of not-so-favourite topics to teach with Colin Foster
9 July 2022
Good mathematicians can go backwards
18 June 2022
After the short AGM, you will have the opportunity to explore the many hands-on activities at Maths City
11 June 2022
25 May 2022
A look at the co-development of conceptual understanding and procedural fluency through the lens of creating a unit of work
19 May 2022
To Infinity and Beyond with Dr Katie Chicot
30 March 2022
Understanding maths anxiety in children - with Dominic Petronzi
16 March 2022
He is the author of many books including one on the topic of this lecture - Fermat's Last Theorem
15 December 2021
A sociable evening of brain-frazzling questions.
1 December 2021
The talk is a journey through mathematical diagrams
18 November 2021
16 November 2021
This short talk will give you up to date information on maths careers
3 November 2021
Greater Manchester
16 October 2021
We'll explore connections ranging from friendship, through marriage, to the spread of infectious diseases.
13 October 2021
A journey through mathematical diagrams with Dr Chris Pritchard
7 October 2021
This workshop will explore the findings of the Oracy APPG 2021 Report and its implications for maths classrooms across the phases
28 July 2021
As part of our 150th Anniversary we are pleased to bring you a webinar series hosted by our Equals Online team.
7 July 2021
Algorithms. Mathematical models. Statistical analysis. These ''Core Maths'' topics are more relevant today than they have ever been. One of the most engaging ways to learn about them is through sp
30 June 2021
We will try some mathematical problems and think about the role that fluency with particular procedures might play in solving them
8 June 2021
We will share some favourite tasks from Don and invite you to share your favourites.
18 March 2021
Sixth Form Maths Quiz
6 March 2021
Popular Lecture: Anna Pratoussevitch
4 March 2021
Stoke and Staffordshire
Focusing on Don Stewart's MEDIAN blog
11 February 2021
Description: What do you notice? What do you wonder?
10 February 2021
Getting started with Virtual Manipulatives
30 January 2021
Christmas Lecture - Yolanda Ohene and Colin Wright
11 December 2020
Greater Manchester
Sharing experiences of on-line teaching
28 November 2020
Sometimes we need to look up and admire beautiful architectural heritage
19 November 2020
Popular Lecture: Aoife Hunt
19 November 2020
Online meeting with Clarrissa Grandhi
14 November 2020
In this session, we will explore ways of using patterns and structure as a way to understanding algebra.
10 October 2020
From the author of the book 'Visible Maths', this session will be a dive into some ways of making sense of mathematical ideas
4 July 2020
The next meeting for the YBMA will be via Zoom
27 June 2020
We can be lured into thinking that the symbols we use in mathematics are the mathematics itself.
11 June 2020
Sign up before Friday evening to grab yourself a maths blind date to work with!
9 May 2020 - 10 May 2020
In this session Mark McCourt will use algebra tiles to discuss and explore some of the strategies and structures that underpin school algebra
30 April 2020
In this workshop Charlie Gilderdale from NRICH will select some of his favourite problems and show how they can be used to introduce students to mathematical reasoning ....
28 March 2020
Presidential Lecture: The Secret Life of Bubbles with Anna Pratoussevitch, LivMS President
25 March 2020
Ian Jones will present mathematical models, developed during the course of the last few hundred years
26 February 2020
In this highly practical session, members of the NRICH team will introduce some of their latest rich mathematical resources alongside classroom practitioners who will share their insights into maximis
11 February 2020
ATM/MA Birmingham Branch Event
8 February 2020
2020 branch event
5 February 2020
Participants will share their experiences of Variation.
1 February 2020
The Visible Maths Pedagogy participatory action research project is a collaboration between Alba Fejzo and Tiago Carvalho and Dr. Pete Wright
25 January 2020
The Rosetta Stone changed our understanding of Ancient Egypt completely. But what could it possibly have to do with maths, and specifically how children learn it?
25 January 2020
Suitable for students in Y9-Y13, this is a talk about many aspects of area, but not the aspects found in textbooks!
3 December 2019
This session will highlight the importance of having multiple ways of making sense of a mathematical idea, and explore some particular mathematical ideas.
28 November 2019
Looking at the use of manipulatives at KS2 & KS3/4
25 November 2019
The aim of this meeting is to bring educators from around South Yorkshire together to share ideas and challenge thinking on how mathematics can transform lives in people of different ages.
20 November 2019
Algebradabra is a recently published book that aims to take a fresh look at school algebra. The tasks are intended to help students make sense of school algebra
16 November 2019
The Collaborative Lesson Research CLR is an independent group of educators with an objective to improve student learning and teaching practices through collaborative action research in classrooms.
7 November 2019
Discussion given by Abisoye Akinpelu ATM Mick Blaylock MA
2 November 2019
In this talk, MA President Ems Lord will explore the ways in which mathematicians make positive contributions towards our communities.
25 September 2019
The convenience and speed of calculators has led us to believe that a number is only right when it is quoted to several decimal places. But maths is not always about getting precisely the right answer
21 September 2019
East Midlands
This session will also include a meeting of the MA Teaching Committee, which plays an important role by giving a voice to teachers
29 June 2019
Equals online is a free magazine designed to support and inspire practitioners that work with students who find learning mathematics challenging.
29 June 2019
We can be lured into thinking that the symbols we use in mathematics are the mathematics itself. Suitable for teachers of mathematics from upper primary or secondary schools.
26 June 2019
Some things you might need to know when applying to do maths at university
20 June 2019
Mike is passionate about making mathematics accessible, interesting and enjoyable to those he teaches so prepare for a hands on session to end the year!
10 June 2019
Members of the YBMA have ten minute slots to show some mathematics that they find particularly interesting.
8 June 2019
Looking at some problems and some teaching contexts where heuristics have been used to develop deeper mathematical understanding.
18 May 2019
This session will entail Jonny Griffiths leading us through a selection of his latest Risps Rich Starting Points
11 May 2019
MEDIAN is a large collection of classroom tasks that promote thinking and sense-making.
16 March 2019
Study day for teachers
9 March 2019
Solving problems the fun way. Prizes for participants with the highest scores.
4 March 2019
The Pop Maths Quiz is a TEAM competition that runs a bit like a pub quiz but without any alcohol!
2 March 2019
Pricing car insurance is a complex mathematical problem; it accounts for the likelihood of having a future accident/claim.
13 February 2019
In early 2018, Dietmar started posting sets of algebra tasks on Twitter to help students make sense of school algebra by focussing on structure and the ‘purpose and utility' of algebra.
6 February 2019
Our presenters will talk about the planning, teaching and curriculum in Shanghai and getting us to do some Shanghai mathematics!
24 January 2019
Suitable for students in Y9-Y13, this is a talk about many aspects of area, but not the aspects found in textbooks!
4 December 2018
Yorkshire Branch
Seasonal refreshments and prizes for all!
4 December 2018
We are thrilled to welcome Mike Ollerton back down to London. As always you are guaranteed to come away from one of Mike's sessions having thought deeply about many areas of mathematics.
24 November 2018
A repeat of our very popular session last year in which local teachers and researchers invite us to share, question and comment on the findings of their latest research.
15 November 2018
Looking at how a Concrete Pictorial Abstract approach can be used to support and challenge school students of all ages.
18 October 2018
John Mason invites participants to consider that a lesson without opportunity to generalise mathematically, is not a Mathematics Lesson.
15 October 2018
Quantum computing is the new buzzword -- Richard Pinch has been looking into what computers will look like after quantum tech arrives and what newer ideas are still on the drawing board.
11 October 2018
For our first session of the year, we are thrilled to welcome Colin Foster, Associate Professor of Education and Director of Research in the School of Education at the University of Leicester.
6 October 2018
Suitable for primary and secondary teachers of mathematics.
26 September 2018
East Midlands
Practising Mathematics offers a wide selection of ideas for practising the content of the upper primary and secondary mathematics curriculum.
30 June 2018
Join us for a Mathematical Games Extravaganza led by the Cambridge Maths team
14 June 2018
A chance to have a look at some of Jane Turnball's stamp and other related philatelic items collection which tells a history of mathematics.
9 June 2018
Exciting opportunity to bring educators from around South Yorkshire together to share ideas and challenge thinking on how mathematics can transform lives in people of different ages.
23 May 2018
A local Teach Meet for anyone who teaches maths: primary, secondary, post-16
22 March 2018
The big increase in computing power over recent years has made it possible to routinely record large volumes of information about our daily lives and especially our health.
21 March 2018
The speaker will be bringing some resources she uses in the classroom and then we're asking everyone to share some resources that they have created/adapted.
10 March 2018
A study day for teachers made up of morning and afternoon sessions
10 March 2018
Nrich is producing new resources that will encourage curiosity in mathematics.
3 March 2018
Jonathan demystifies gyroscopes and rotational dynamics, showing why pigs and boomerangs fly in circles. An interactive session with counter intuitive demos
1 March 2018
East Midlands
The presenter for this session will be Don Steward
24 February 2018
In this talk, Tom Roper considers how other subjects make use of shape and space.
22 February 2018
‘Practice makes perfect' – well it is not that simple; yet students do need to practise skills within each topic they learn – developing fluency is an important part of mathematics education.
10 February 2018
Part of the programme for the academic year 2017-18
23 January 2018
Part of the LivMS Popular Lectures Programme 2017-18
18 December 2017
If you are concerned about getting your students to grade 5 or indeed grade 9, then you will know that getting them reasoning as early as possible is the answer.
9 December 2017
Part of the programme for the Academic Year 2017-18
5 December 2017
Hands-on session; Caroline Ainsworth will explore and demonstrate the ways in which she uses Cuisenaire Rods as a consistent image to develop children's understanding of the structure of mathematics.
1 November 2017
2016 saw the RHS Chelsea Flower Show feature a Mathematics Garden and whilst I didn't go and see it, the articles about it that I read caused me to explore a little.
11 October 2017
Driving is a risky business! LivMS Popular Lectures Programme 2017-18
11 October 2017
According to a statistic that I just made up, only 1% of school leavers can square the number 29 in their head. Well why would they need to? They have a calculator to do that.
7 October 2017
East Midlands
This practical session covers how bar modelling can be a powerful tool for revealing the structure of problems.
7 October 2017
Participants will be invited to work on tasks which focus on scaling, because it is the core idea behind multiplication the sooner children encounter scaling, the better.
5 October 2017
Part of the programme for the Academic Year 2017–18
27 September 2017
A short historical introduction; intriguing problems; paired work; making an old mathematical instrument based on ratio and some geometry;
21 June 2017
A local teach meet for anyone who teaches maths - primary, secondary, post-16.
15 June 2017
This session will be a sharing of one of our favourite lessons. Gary is a primary maths coordinator and SLE, and Ben is a secondary mathematics teacher and blogger
15 June 2017
Following the publication of Chris's book 'A Square Peg in a Round Hole', the search for further ideas in teaching area goes on.
10 June 2017
What strategies do mathematicians use to solve equations?
29 March 2017
A local Teach Meet for anyone who teaches maths: primary, secondary, post 16.
22 March 2017
Underground Mathematics provides free web-based resources that support the teaching and learning of post-16 mathematics.
18 March 2017
Since the beginning of time, people have wanted to be able to communicate in a way that prevents anyone besides the intended recipient from reading the message.
16 March 2017
Binary numbers and their kin turn up in a variety of situations in elementary mathematics.
15 March 2017
We can be lured into thinking that the symbols we use in mathematics are the mathematics itself.
11 March 2017
How to develop problem solving strategies in the classroom by developing the teachers and supporting them with PD and resources.
11 March 2017
Peter has a variety of informative and entertaining topics which he can focus his session on.
11 March 2017
Measurement is an essential part of the modern world.
9 February 2017
One of the great joys of teaching mathematics is what we can learn from those we ‘teach'. Join me in exploring some intriguing, humbling and sometimes wacky lessons from my own students.
8 February 2017
East Midlands
Come and try out a variety of activities designed to engage pupils in their learning,
4 February 2017
How can learning mathematics help bring about a fairer society? How might a focus on equity effect the way we teach mathematics?
4 February 2017
Decorative art in the Islamic world often takes the form of geometric patterns that exhibit interesting symmetries.
2 February 2017
This talk starts with some seductively obvious patterns that seem successfully to predict the future, but then goes on to show that not all patterns are trustworthy.
19 December 2016
Participants will be invited to engage in some mathematical tasks and then to consider the pedagogic choices in their design, and implications for their use in classrooms.
10 December 2016
A sociable evening of brain-frazzling questions, quirky mathematical prizes, seasonal food and drink.
1 December 2016
Fun masterclass maths for primary and secondary teachers, with lots of ideas for the end of term lessons.
1 December 2016
This is a branch event and all are welcome.
1 December 2016
Possibly the best Primary Professional Development Day for the fifth year running!
12 November 2016
Dr Ray Huntley will lead this event.
12 November 2016
East Midlands
In delivering a curriculum with an emphasis on problem solving, creativity and developing robus knowledge and technical skills, paper folding offers a practical solution.
12 November 2016
A chance to follow the history of mathematics from prehistoric times to the modern day illustrated with postage stamps from around the world.
8 November 2016
This problem makes an excellent resource for the classroom. It is very rich in mathematical ideas. I have used different versions of it for school pupils from Year 6 upwards....
4 October 2016
For our session he will be working with us on some of the Rich Starting Points Risps developed for A level students. Some ideas of interest to those teaching KS4 and KS3
3 October 2016
Thinking is at the heart of Mathematics and so assessment of thinking is at the heart of assessment in Mathematics.
21 September 2016
This session will be a sharing of each of our favourite lessons. Peter, primary, and Karen, secondary, teachers will share one of their favourite lessons.
23 June 2016
East Midlands
Maths Jam on Toast. We would like people to bring a puzzle to share.
21 June 2016
East Midlands
This session will be designed to instil a lasting curiosity for mathematics, it will start by exploring the world using Google Earth.
15 June 2016
A local Teach Meet for anyone who teaches maths: primary, secondary, post 16.
14 June 2016
Members of the branch have 10 minute slots to show us some mathematics that they find particularly interesting.
11 June 2016
The Presidential Lecture 'Mathematics for a Healthier and Safer Society' will follow the AGM
18 May 2016
The Mathematics Programmes of Study have the stated aims of developing fluency, mathematical reasoning and problem solving....
3 May 2016
Stimulated by an article from MT247 the ATM journal by Anne Watson on the role of sequences in the National Curriculum
22 March 2016
MA and ATM have many excellent publications. I will focus on two from each association and invite you to engage in some of the activities included within
19 March 2016
NRICH developments and the new Wildmaths Project
16 March 2016
East Midlands
Joint MA/ATM East Midlands Branch meeting
12 March 2016
Emily says: I'm a composer. I write music and I like to take inspiration for my music from mathematics....
10 February 2016
Paul Radley will tell us ‘why games theory tells us you should have been nice!’
26 January 2016
Talk and workshop event details to be confirmed
1 December 2015
A chance to find out what's different about maths teaching in Shanghai.
19 November 2015
invitation to all teachers of mathematics, primary and secondary, to our fun, free session to celebrate...
14 November 2015 - 15 November 2015
East Midlands
Getting Learners to Make Use of Their Natural Powers
14 November 2015
East Midlands
Teaching More by Teaching Less; Getting Learners to Make Use of Their Natural Powers.
12 November 2015
Advances in computing power means it's now possible to use statistics to unravel the complexity of weather and climate change.
3 November 2015
How can mathematics be used to understand antibiotic resistance, track the dynamics of bacterial infections or even develop new drugs to tackle disease?
14 October 2015
Information on past Annual Conferences 2015 - 1999 is available here
6 April 1999 - 10 April 2015
Events archive 2011 to 2014
17 September 2011 - 6 September 2014