Mathematical Angles: the official magazine of the MA

We are pleased to share with you: Mathematical Angles: the official magazine of the MA.

Combining MA News, Symmetry Plus and Mathematical Pie, this magazine brings the best bits of these magazines into one fresh new look magazine!

We would love you to get involved in the magazine. We have started a letters page, a page for our members to share views on anything they have read, either in the magazine, or elsewhere, that they think others may find interesting.

Items for consideration can be emailed to

The highlights of Mathematical Angles include: 

An article by MA President Charlie Stripp MBE titled "From accountancy to maths teaching."

There is news from the Teaching Committee, including updates on the MA Regulations and responses to the Royal Society's "Mathematical Futures" paper. 

The Branches Committee had its half-yearly meeting, with updates on events and activities from various branches. 

The Joint ATM/MA Primary Group discussed topics such as KS2 SATs data analysis, the response to the Ofsted report on coordinating mathematical success, and updates on KS1 and KS2 assessments. 

The launch of the Loughborough University Mathematics Education Network Curriculum (LUMEN) is highlighted, offering free teaching resources for Key Stage 3 mathematics. 

The Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (ODNB) entry for Michael Atiyah, a former President of the MA.

Information about the Maths Teacher Training Scholarships is provided, including the application process and important dates for upcoming webinars and events. 


Mathematica Pie

We know some of you like to use PiE as a resource for your lessons.

We want to assure you, PiE will continue within the magazine, becoming a pull out in future editions. We will continue make it available for you as a download, accessible HERE