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11 February 2025
Primary and FE – opposite ends of compulsory maths education. What can we learn from each other?
With Alison Rouse and Rebecca Atherfold.
Approximately a third of students do not achieve a grade 4 in GCSE maths at the end of Year 11.
They often struggle with topics that they would have first been introduced to in primary school, sometimes in Key Stage 1.
We will identify some of these topics, examine their progress throughout the key stages, and reflect on what the primary and FE sectors can learn from each other.
Time: 16:00
Audience: Primary - FE
Cost: FREE for MA Members, non-members £6
12 February 2025
Would you like to understand what dyscalculia is?
In this webinar with Catherine, an Accredited Dyscalculia Teacher, find out how dyscalculia affects numbers sense and other areas of learning, and what support can be given to children with dyscalculia.
When: 12th February
Time: 16:00
Audience: Anyone with an interest in SEND mathematics
Cost: FREE for members, £6 non-members